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A member registered Jun 14, 2021

Recent community posts

I simply love the direction you've taken with this.  The art style reminds me of the Astro Boy/ Devil Man anime era, and it simply melts my heart. The music is exquisite, the characters are charming, and love all the little additions you made going forward. Specially, the point system involving charm guts and mind! I'm a sucker for childhood sweethearts. So I'll be eagerly waiting how this beautiful VN develops! Keep up the great work and thank you!

This game has resonated so well with me, I've never expected to fall in love with it so much. I adore every detail you've put into this game. The storyline, the characters, and the rich atmosphere they're in. I simply adore all of it, and will be in the forefronts supporting this to its completion. You've earned another loyal supporter today!

Keep up the wonderful work you've created, I'm cheering for your success!